Tesla Model X all-electric crossover is very quick, very roomy and will be revealed Feb 9

Remember that time back in October when we told you that the all-electric crossover from Tesla, the Model X, would be revealed ahead of the 2012 Detroit Auto Show? Well, scratch that. That information was, apparently, inaccurate. Dubitable. Counterfactual even. Instead, it seems that February 9th marks the day the X is to be spotted.

The news comes courtesy of the nerds enthusiasts over at the Tesla Motor Club forum. A member read in a recent copy of Barclays Capital research report that the Tesla's design studio in LA would be the setting for the Model X reveal. We contacted Tesla to confirm, and were told that, "Yes, there will be a February 9th Model X event."

The upcoming reveal won't have been its first, however. The vehicle was shown to some institutional investor types just before Christmas and, going by a handful of tweets that went out across the internetz shortly thereafter, they were impressed. Quicker than a Porsche 911 and roomier than an Audi Q7, they say. Throw in all-wheel drive and this could get pretty interesting.

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