
Good Samaritans Save Woman After Horrific Crash

A group of strangers joined forces to save a woman trapped beneath a truck

A cursory look at news headlines over the past couple of days would most likely lead to an erosion of your faith in humanity. With horrific stories coming out of Black Friday last week, such as shoppers stepping over a dying man to get to products and a woman dousing competing shoppers with pepper spray, it can be hard to believe that a shred of decency and selflessness continues to exist in this world.

Thankfully, a group of good Samaritans made headlines today, after they rushed to pull a truck off of a woman involved in a horrific accident in California on Sunday afternoon. As seen in the video above, several bystanders banded together to literally lift the large vehicle off of the woman in order to get her to safety.

The woman is currently recovering in a local hospital, as are two others involved in the crash.

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