
Dan Marino on the Nissan Leaf: "It looks good, it handles great, it's big enough."

Here's a bit of trivia: someone wanted Dan Marino to review the Nissan Leaf.

That's what the former football star tells viewers in his first "Dan's Winning Drives" video, produced by AutoNationConnect, anyway. Apparently, ANC readers were able to suggest vehicles for Marino to "review" and the Leaf leaped to the top of the list. We put review in quotes because the four-minute video is mostly an inquisitive Marino asking a local Nissan dealer how the all-electric car works. It's not exactly engaging video, but it does show how a normal guy reacts to a plug-in car. His take-away line? "It looks good, it handles great. It goes 90 miles an hour. It's big enough."

Marino does need to have some basic questions answered by the Nissan rep about how to think of the Leaf's efficiency. The discussion goes like this: "This car doesn't have any fuel?" "No." "So it doesn't have mpg?" "None whatsoever."

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