
The Electric Vehicle Story: a Nissan Leaf documentary

Kevin Day is a Nissan Leaf owner. And this is his story.

A brief documentary, titled "The Electric Vehicle Story" was filmed for entry into Zooppa's "Changing Your City for the Better" contest sponsored by Siemens. The film, as told by Day, offers a first-hand account of what it's like to own a Leaf.

The experience is real, not a long-term review ride. As filmed by Justin Adkinson Productions, "The Electric Vehicle Story" is one man's real-life Nissan Leaf-owning experience wrapped into an Internet-friendly package. Hit the jump to watch three-plus minutes of stunningly executed living-with-a-Leaf footage.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Electric Vehicle Story from Justin Adkinson Productions on Vimeo.

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