
Reverse Export: Top Gear USA to be shown in UK

Top Gear fans in the UK are about to get more than they bargained for. The BBC has announced that Top Gear USA is headed across the pond. Season one of the Americanized version of the world's favorite car show is set to debut on BBC Three on October 14.

Why? Um, that's a really good question. Near as we can tell, the BBC wants to fill the airwaves with something other than reruns, though we have to wonder if fans of the original Top Gear won't find some of the premises, challenges and writing on Top Gear USA more than a little familiar.

We don't count ourselves among those who find Top Gear USA an affront to nature, but sending our show back to the land of Clarkson, Hammond and May feels a bit like importing Taco Bell to Mexico. You're gonna get some strange looks. Hit the jump for a video.

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