
Rimac Automobili Concept One's Frankfurt teaser pics make us ohhh, ahhh

When the sheet is lifted from the Rimac Automobili Concept One electric hypercar on September 13th at the Frankfurt Motor ShowHall 4.0, Stand A43 at 3:00 pm, in case you plan on attending – we hope the Croatian company has some heated neck pads on hand. There may be a few cases of whiplash that need treating.

No, they won't be offering the assembled journos a sub-three second ride to 60 miles per hour in the Messe. Rather, we suspect the injuries to occur from sudden head turning and double takes. It's not every day you come face to fascia with a battery-powered supercar that makes 1088 horsepower and 2800 lb-ft of instant torque that can take you up to 190 mph before the computer steps in to bring you to your senses. Especially not one that's produced in a country with no automotive industry. Besides all that, if these teaser photos we got our little grubbies on are any indication, it's a stunner.

Check out the gallery and let us know if you think the looks will match up with its performance promise.

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