Daimler gets Germany geared up for a hydrogen future

Daimler has unveiled an ambitious scheme that should put Germany in the driver's seat for hydrogen fueling stations. A recent report in Scientific American says a joint effort by automaker Daimler and technology firm The Linde Group aims to install an additional 20 public-use hydrogen stations across the nation.

Of the 30 hydrogen stations operational in Germany today, reports say only seven are of the public-use type. According to Daimler, a major city needs around ten stations to adequately support fuel cell vehicles. While installing 20 stations nationwide over the next three years won't accomplish that in any given city, it's a step in the H2 direction.

The Wall Street Journal claims the problems associated with storing hydrogen "remain considerable," pointing out that, in liquefied form, hydrogen requires massive storage tanks and demands extreme caution while transporting. While mostly true, these hurdles don't stand in the way of fuel cell vehicle adoption. A somewhat bigger problem is the exorbitant price of hydrogen-fueled vehicles in the first place, but we've been promised reductions in that arena.

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