
Planet Green teases Detroit In Overdrive documentary

Detroit could be considered the embodiment of the American blue-collar spirit. From the glory days of the mid-20th century when the city seemed poised to become a longstanding American industrial power, to the doldrums of the last 30 years, the city has seen the gates of hell.

Slowly, though, Detroit is holding its ground. Like the workers who made their home in the Motor City churning out the iron that gave this country its maniacal love of the car, Detroit is resilient and determined. Detroit in Overdrive is an upcoming three-part documentary that aims to show the world Detroit is coming back.

From a brewery owned by Kid Rock, one of the city's favorite sons, to community gardens to green business, Detroit looks poised to begin its long-overdue resurgence. Hop the jump to check out two trailers and a press release. The show premiers August 4 on Planet Green.

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Episode Overview In Brief :


* Detroit native / Grammy nominated musician Kid Rock opens beer company which creates jobs and gives back to the city he loves.
* Fashion designer returns to Detroit to start a garment company which creates jeans in a retrofitted factory incorporating seat-belts and car inspired elements - aptly named Motor City Denim.
* Robotic after-school program - F.I.R.S.T. Robotics - introduces underprivileged students to careers in engineering and robotics.
* GM environmental engineer with family history in automotive business adapts to changing times.


* The rebirth of Detroit's vibrant music scene: local entrepreneur starts record label featuring local talent, the Sphinx Organization gives classical music instruments to youth
* Veteran auto designer teaches teaches a rigorous, inspiring class to students interested in transportation and design.
* World famous Street Folk artist - best known for the Heidelberg Project - paves city street with 10,000 shoes to address homeless problem head on!


* Student creates heat-capturing coat that transforms into sleeping bag for homeless
* Monthly event "Soup" brings young artists together to pitch project to better their community of Hamtramck
* Discarded auto body plant becomes home to artists, craftspeople, small businesses. Artist creates sculpture out of junk.
* Urban garden provides healthy, and self-sufficient food source in city with few food options - two Detroit-ers deliver fresh organic food to locals in a unique mobile food truck.

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