
Watch Pikes Peak racer Roger Lovell roll from the inside out

Roger Lovell rolls at Pikes Peak – Click above for to watch video after the jump

It's been almost a week since the crazies went hell bent for glory up Pikes Peak, and videos from the hill climb are still making their way to the internets. The crew from AMSOIL just released a volley of footage from their two sponsored entries – drivers Brad and Roger Lovell.

Brad had no problem ushering his custom machine up the mountain, but as you may have heard, Roger ran into a bit of a glitch during his run. Part-way through the course, Roger missed an apex, drifted onto the far shoulder and attempted to correct his path, resulting in a lengthy tumble up an asphalt section of the road.

Thanks to a stout roll cage and plenty of luck, Roger came out of the incident without serious injury. And fortunately for the carnage-hungry out there, the crew had strapped an onboard camera into the cockpit before the buggy went tires-to-Jesus. Hit the jump to see both Brad and Roger's runs for yourself.

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