
Auto theft drops to lowest level since 1967

Vehicle theft in the U.S. fell by 7.2 percent in 2010. Around 737,404 vehicles were stolen last year, compared to the 794,616 autos pilfered in 2009. That marks the lowest number of stolen vehicles in the U.S. of A. since 1967, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.

Why the decline? New York City, Detroit, Dallas, Miami and Los Angeles – all previous hot beds for grand theft auto – saw their numbers drop in 2010, and Automotive News reports that new anti-theft technology is going a long way toward curbing the crime.

With several insurance companies offering discounts to customers who install anti-theft systems from LoJack or Ravelco, there's more incentive than ever to protect yourself from car thieves. In addition, the NICB says that cars today are simply more difficult to steal than they were 10 years ago.

Law enforcement has also stepped up its game by using bait vehicles to lure in possible thieves. Officers stake out a vehicle with its windows down and its keys in the ignition and wait for crooks to come by. It's apparently working.

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