"Green tech geek" trying to trade up to a Tesla Roadster [w/video]

Martin Provost on trading up to a Tesla Roadster – Click above to watch video after the jump

Self-proclaimed green tech geek, Martin Provost, is on a quest to buckle himself into the driver's seat of a Tesla Roadster.

Not just any Roadster will do. You see, Provost wants his own electrified Tesla and he's dead set on doing it one swap at a time. Following the success of famous Internet swapper Kyle MacDonald – a Canadian blogger who bartered his way from a single red paperclip to a house in a series of online trades over the course of a year – Provost is embarking on his own campaign – in partnership with Swapsity – in hopes of trading up from a $30 camera to a $100,000-plus Roadster. Speaking of the Roadster, Provost claims:
It's 100 percent electric, so any gadget geek out there, if you ask them, what's your dream sports car, they'll probably say the Tesla Roadster.
Provost started with a $30 camera and now he's trying to trade a Super VIP Tour for 46 people at Beau's All Natural Brewing Company, a package valued at around $1,200. Scratch that. Provost has now moved on to his seventh item, a 12-month enterprise online store package from Shopify!, a package valued at $3,000. Though that's not quite the $100,000+ needed for a Roadster, going from $30 to $3,000 is already impressive, so here's to you Mr. Provost. We wish you the best of luck on your challenge. Hit the jump to catch a video of Provost describing his quest.

[Source: Tesla Tradeup pitched via Twitter]

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