VIDEO: Ferrari 430 Scuderia bales out of race with Tesla Roadster

Ferrari 430 Scuderia bales in race with Tesla Roadster – Click above to watch video after the jump

While the Tesla Roadster is not exactly a perfect track car – the power electronics module (PEM) may reign in the horses after a few laps of all-out racing to protect itself from overheating – it does offer up a huge amount of relatively manageable power. Relatively manageable, that is, to the oomph exuded by a Ferrari 430 Scuderia at the 2011 edition of the Alford SpeedFest in Scotland.

The two vehicles participated in a fun game of chase on a small track and it appeared the Italian beastie was finally gaining advantage when it suddenly baled out of the fight. It's all enough to send that Rick Mear's adage to mind, "To finish first, you must first finish." Hit the jump for some gas vs. electric racing as well as a bit of bonus Ferrari extrication aftermath footage.

[Source: Tesla Motors Club]

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