Cuba shows interest in hydrogen vehicle technology


CETER logo Cuba may be where the cars of the past survive today, but it's also a place that's interested in the fuel of the future. According to Tania Carbonel Morales, director at the Center for Studies on Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER), hydrogen is being studied on the island nation as an alternative energy source for vehicles. During the 7th International Conference of Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Education, Morales said that students at the Jose Antonio Echevarria Higher Polytechnic Institute are actively studying ways to use hydrogen in the transportation sector.

Carbonel Morales says that Cuba's National Hydrogen Group is currently conducting pilot tests using hydrogen as a fuel source for ground-based transportation. Faced with the gradual exhaustion of fossil fuels, Morales says that hydrogen could some day revolutionize the transportation industry. Meanwhile, CETER indicates that hydrogen has been successfully implemented and thoroughly tested in the transportation of students in the Spanish city of Aragon.

[Source: Radio Cadena Agramonte | Image: Romtomtom – C.C. License 2.0]

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