In case of emergency: power home with Mitsubishi i-MiEV

U.S.-spec Mitsubishi i-MiEV – Click above for high-res image gallery

In light of the devastation caused by the recent earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan, Mitsubishi is releasing, a year ahead of schedule, a device which allows i-MiEV owners to power their electric appliances at home using their EV's battery should they find themselves without power. Mitsubishi claims that the 16 kilowatt-hour battery pack can supply power to an average Japanese home for almost one and a half days.

This is a great idea, because who doesn't want to have the ability to use your car to help cook or to keep electronic communication devices charged during an extended power outage. The device will provide a 100-volt AC outlet capable of up to 15 amps (1500 watts peak power), enough to run even a washing machine (although in an emergency situation, we doubt that people would think doing their laundry is an item of first priority). The device is expected to be on market by the end of the year.

[Source: All Cars Electric via]

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