Tesla Roadster 2.5 snags official 119 MPGe rating

Within hours of posting on the Tesla Roadster's official EPA rating and emphatically pointing out that no production vehicle beat the Roadster's EPA-assigned 111 MPGe rating, along came an automobile that knocked the Roadster from its number one spot. It was bound to happen, right?

So, what's this mystery vehicle that smokes the original Roadster's 111 MPGe rating? It's none other than the Roadster 2.5. The Roadster 2.5's government-certified window sticker shows 112 MPGe on the highway and 124 MPGe in the city, for a combined rating of 119 MPGe. That last number bests the original Roadster's rating by eight mpge. However, all of the other stats (i.e. annual fuel costs, approximate range and kW-hrs per 100 miles) remain unchanged.

Now, Tesla has secured the top two spots in the lofty MPGe club. So, when will a vehicle rise up to the challenge and knock the Roadsters from their perch?

[Source: Consumer Reports]

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