
Acura press kit causes bomb threat near Automobile magazine offices

Thanks to one very suspicious-looking press kit from Acura, the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan had a bit of a bomb scare on its hands this afternoon. The Japanese automaker sent a special-edition package to our friends at Automobile magazine in conjunction with the release of Thor. That kit happened to find its way into a recycling bin outside of the publication's Michigan office. A stand-up citizen reported what they thought was a bomb, which resulted in the evacuation of parts of downtown.

A helicopter was reportedly called in to provide an eye in the sky for a few hours as well.

We can't blame the authorities for taking action. The Automobile offices are situated directly across the street from a Federal building, and with the ne'er-do-wells of the world plotting revenge for the termination of the nefarious Osama bin Laden, a little caution is more than warranted.

As of the time of writing, everything had returned to normal around the Automobile enclave. For a look at the kit itself, head over to The Car Connection.

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