Video: Inside Line drives a Nissan Leaf 132 miles without recharging

Inside Line tests range of the Nissan Leaf – Click above to watch video after the jump

Recently, Inside Line set out to conduct a range test on a 2011 Nissan Leaf. The test, though not representative of real-world driving conditions, proved that under a specific set of circumstances, the Leaf can travel well beyond its official 73-mile EPA range rating on a single charge. So, how far did the Leaf make it before running out of juice?

Well, at a constant 35 miles per hour and with the climate control system turned off, four members of the Inside Line crew took turns driving the Leaf around an oval track. At 132 miles, the electric hatch, completely out of juice, slowed to a dead stop. Hit the jump to catch video of Inside Line's range-testing 132-mile jaunt. Hat tip to throwback!

[Source: Inside Line]

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