Ukraine evaluating production of biofuel from fodder potato crop

Ukraine is reportedly considering setting aside a portion of its crop of fodder potatoes for the production of biofuel, according to the nation's Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry. The Ukraine ranks fourth among all nations worldwide in terms of annual potato crop volume (beaten out by China, India and Russia). Since the price for the starchy, tuberous crop is low there, it's could make an ideal biofuel source.
During a visit to the Institute of Potato Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in late April, Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk supposedly told Ukrainian Prime Minister that, "we are studying the possibility of using ... part [of the crop] for [production of] biofuel."

According to Interfax , Prysiazhniuk said that evaluating the feasibility of using fodder potatoes to produce biofuel will conclude within two or three months. We say, if the Ukraine determines that potatoes aren't to be used for biofuel production, then let there be vodka instead.

[Source: Interfax via Green Car Congress | Image: Dag Endresen – C.C. License 2.0]

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