GM leaps Ford into top 10 on 2011 Fortune 500 list

Ford has been taking the lion's share of the headlines lately thanks to a fresh product lineup and a string of very impressive profit margins, but General Motors has been winning on the revenue front. CNN Money's annual Fortune 500 list was recently published, and GM climbed all the way from number 15 in 2010 to number seven in 2011. The General managed $135 billion in revenue, putting the automaker behind only Wal-Mart, some oil companies and a couple financial/investment conglomerates.
Meanwhile, Ford's Fortune ranking went in the other direction. The Dearborn, Michigan-based automaker went from number eight in 2010 to number 10 for 2011. The Blue Oval dropped in the rankings in spite of the fact that revenue jumped from $118 billion in 2010 to $128 billion in 2011.

While GM can claim a higher Fortune 500 ranking than Ford, we're guessing nobody in Dearborn is losing sleep over the matter. Both companies are in the top 10 and each company is solidly profitable, and that's the stuff happy stockholders are made of.

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