
The Hurt Locker's Jeremy Renner working on Steve McQueen biopic

Fresh from his back-to-back Oscar nominations for The Hurt Locker and The Town, actor Jeremy Renner (pictured at right at the Spirit Awards) has got his plate full with an endless stream of new projects. He's just finished filming the fourth Mission: Impossible movie, is currently filming a Hansel & Gretel movie before he stars in The Avengers and possibly the next Bourne movie as well. But a new film in its embryonic stage is arguably of the greatest interest to car nuts.
According to reports, Renner is working on a new biopic focusing on the legendary Steve McQueen. In addition to starring as the King of Cool himself, Renner is reportedly involved in the film's production, along with Greg Shapiro (who produced The Hurt Locker) and others. Writer/director James Gray is reportedly basing his screenplay on Marshall Terrill's definitive tomes "Portrait of an American Rebel" and "The Life and Legend of a Hollywood Icon".

What this means for Brad Pitt, who has long been rumored to be working on a McQueen flick, remains to be seen, but if Renner's project can channel any the talent he's displayed so far (and given that the actor's name roughly translates from German as "racer"), we could have a winner on our hands.

[Source: Hollywood Reporter via Driven | Image:]

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