
Saab saddles up with Chinese automaker Hawtei

Volvo no longer stands alone as the only Swedish automaker with a Chinese partnership. According to, Saab and The People's Republic's Hawtai are reportedly set to announce that the two companies have joined forces. Hawtai, formerly Hautai, is likely best known on this side of the globe for strutting a logo that could have been the bastard child of the BMW roundel and the Microsoft window. At this point, it's unclear exactly what each automaker hopes to gain from the alliance, though something tells us that Hawtai will likely supply the capital needed to keep the lights on at Saab.

The news comes after Saab announced that it had secured a loan to resume production in the short-term. reports that Victor Muller, the current owner of Saab, will be part of an announcement about the Chinese partnership on Tuesday.

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