Michael Boxwell's The 2011 Electric Car Guide now available

The 2011 Electric Car Guide, written by Michael Boxwell – a man with years of day-to-day experience behind the wheel of battery-powered vehicles – is now available for purchase in both eBook and paperback format.

If you're new to plug-in vehicles, you've undoubtedly got questions about them, right? Are electric cars eco-friendly? What's it like to drive a plug-in automobile? Are battery-powered cars practical? Well, Boxwell attempts to answer those questions and more in the The Electric Car Guide series from the perspective of an author who has driven electric cars for years. The books are edited by a team of plug-in vehicle owners for an extra dose of reality. As Boxwell states, "Our experts really know what it is like to use battery power on a long-term basis − not just after a couple of test drives."

Click here to find out more about the 2011 Electric Car Guide. To purchase the book, either in paperback ($14.99) or eBook ($9.99) format, head over to Amazon by clicking here.

[Source: Greenstream Publishing, Amazon, Electric Car Guide]

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