Peeved Lamborghini owner destroys car with sledgehammer, others help

Stop! Hammertime? Well, if you're the owner of this particular Lamborghini Gallardo, you're not saying stop, but "go, go, go!" According to reports, the happless Gallardo was purchased about six months ago by a resident of Qingdao, China. In his short period of ownership, the man has apparently had a few issues with the car.

In one instance, the Lamborghini wouldn't start, so the owner had it towed to the local dealer. Upon arrival at the service bay, the owner found that the car had been damaged in transit. No one would claim responsibility and the original non-starting issue still wasn't fixed.

The Gallardo owner attempted to escalate the issue within the Lamborghini family, ultimately trying to reach out to Lamborghini CEO Stephan Winkelmann. No response or solution has been offered so the owner has become decidedly frustrated. So frustrated, in fact, that he decided destroying his Lamborghini in public would be the best way to garner attention.

According to the report, the owner is trying to make a point that China is home to a growing number of individuals capable of purchasing luxury items. Companies realizes this and are making increased efforts to offer their products to the Chinese people. However, the Lamborghini owner believes that the Chinese people do not get the same level of service found in other markets. By smashing his Gallardo, he's certainly captured our attention.

By the way, a new Lamborghini Gallardo, which typically sells for $230,000 on up, retails for between $529,000 and $757,000 USD in China. Ouch. Thanks to everyone for the tips!

[Sources: China Car Times, MSNBC]

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