Video: Jeremy Clarkson rides a roller coaster... with his mum

Jeremy Clarkson rides a roller coaster with his mother - Click above to watch video after the jump

The BBC recently took a look at why some people live for the rush of speed while others cringe at the very thought of acceleration. As it turns out, the difference boils down to how your brain responds to terrifying situations. If, like us, you get giddy at every plunge of the accelerator, chances are that your body cranks out serious levels dopamine – the same chemical responsible for feelings of gratification that accompany stuffing your face with a hearty meal. On the other hand, if your body goes into lock down when the going gets quick, your brain is likely awash with serotonin. In high enough levels, the chemical can cause your body to freeze.

Even if you can't remember all of that, chances are the video after the jump will stick with you. In it, Jeremy Clarkson and his dear mother take to the fastest roller coaster in the world to effectively illustrate the difference between the two chemicals at work. As we all know, the Top Gear host has no problem with going ever faster. His mother, meanwhile, doesn't seem to be cut from the same cloth. Hit the jump to see the clip for yourself.

[Source: YouTube]

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