Nissan Leaf soon to be every third vehicle rolling off Oppama line [w/video]

2011 Nissan Leaf assembly – Click above to watch video after the jump

In January, Nissan sold a paltry 87 Leafs here in the U.S. The Japanese automaker followed that by delivering even fewer Leafs (just 67) in February. Despite the fact that total sales ring in at a modest 173 units, Nissan promises that everyone will be in their Leafs by the end of summer. So, how's Nissan gonna make that happen? By cranking up production.

Currently, every sixth car moving down one of the assembly lines at the automaker's Oppama, Japan facility is a Nissan Leaf. However, Nissan claims that by the end of this month, every third car rolling off the line will be a Leaf. That move will effectively double the output to 4,000 electric hatches a month and jolt total Leaf production numbers to 10,000 units or more by the end of March. And that's how Nissan plans to fulfill all Leaf orders before autumn is upon us. If it works, Nissan will beat GM to the 10,000 plug-in vehicle production mark. Hit the jump to watch the Leaf come together right before your eyes.

[Source: Ward's Auto]

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