Video: Motorstorm Apocalypse is down and dirty racing, Mad Max style

Motorstorm Apocalypse – Click above to watch video after the jump

If Gran Turismo 5 has turned a bit stale for you, never fear. The crew behind the Motorstorm franchise has just what you need to wet your racing videogame whistle in the form of the new Motorstorm Apocalypse. The game takes all of the fender-bashing glory of the classics into a city in the throes of collapse. Players will not only have to contend with the other racers, but they'll have to square off against an environment that's hell-bent on destruction as well. It's like Mad Max on steroids.

Programmers have thrown in a heap of new vehicle classes on top of old favorites, and the single-player campaign brings a new level of story-telling to the party for the first time. Additionally, new online multiplayer content allows you to collect experience points to build your favorite racing machine, collect medals to show off and to unlock new vehicle perks to help you gain an edge over the rest of the field.

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You can check out a full trailer for the game after the jump as well as a few developer journals that take a closer look at both the multiplayer and the single player action. We think you won't be disappointed.

[Source: Caradisiac]

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