Report: Bristol Cars slides into administration

Ultra-exclusive luxury sports car manufacturer Bristol has gone into administration after running into financial trouble. According to the BBC, Tom MacLennan and Trevor Binyon of RSM Tenon have been named joint administrators of the storied English marque, which has been peddling its cars through a single showroom in London since 1946.

The company, famed for its Blenheim and Fighter sports cars, switched from building planes to cars after World War II and gained notoreity as a low-volume builder of bespoke rides for the British upper crust.

The new company administration is reportedly shopping the brand to investors and are confident the brand can be saved, thanks in part to its prestige and history as a uniquely English product. Despite the company's current woes and resulting layoffs, sales and service will continue so customers aren't hung out to dry. Thanks for the tip, Philip!

[Source: BBC]

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