Volvo tries to help family reach low-CO2 "One Tonne Life"

How clean can one modern, European family go? Swedish auto maker Volvo, wooden house experts A-hus and energy company Vattenfall are helping one family cut its carbon emissions by 85 percent in a quest to live the "One Tonne Life." The challenge the familiy is taking on is to live within a limit of one metric ton of carbon emissions per person per year (the average Swede's emissions is seven metric tons per year). Thus, for the next six months, the Lindell family (mom, dad and two teenagers) will live in a solar- and wind-energy-powered home equipped with energy efficient appliances just outside of Stockholm. With the help of a grocery chain store, the family will also make efforts to consume locally produced and sustainable foods.

During this time, the family will drive a Volvo C30 Electric vehicle which will provide the family about 90-to-100 zero-emission miles per eight-hour charge. According to Lennart Stegland, Volvo Cars' Special Vehicles division manager, "The project will give us clear information about what we need to deliver so buyers feel that a battery-powered car is attractive and cost-effective to drive and own."

The Lindells beat out 50 other families who applied for the chance to participate in the project. To learn more about the project and follow the Lindell family's journey, visit the One Tonne Life website.

[Source: One Tonne Life via Plug In Cars]

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