Report: China's JAC launches Tong Yue electric car; sells 60 in one day

Chinese automaker Jianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd. (JAC) rarely snags a headline here in the U.S., but with the launch of its Tong Yue electric car, JAC has managed to capture our attention.

JAC's electric Tong Yue started rolling down the automaker's production line earlier this week. Within a day of launching, 60 of the battery-powered autos were snatched up by Anhui Electric Resource Development Company. For now, JAC is limiting sales of the Tong Yue to government and corporate fleets.

Full specs for the Tong Yue couldn't be found, but from what we've managed to obtain, JAC's electric weighs in at 2,646 pounds, comes equipped with a 15-kWh battery pack and provides approximately 81 miles of range on a full charge. Pricing for the Tong Yue has not been announced.

[Source: China Car Times]

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