Report: Muller to let investors know in May if Saab will go public

In the past year, Saab has gone from a near-death experience to an automaker searching its audience. The Spyker-owned automaker claims it is looking for about 120,000 annual sales, but it expects to be profitable by 2012. While the company has a long way to go before sniffing those meager totals, Saab owner Victor Muller is still thinking about going public in the company's home market.

Bloomberg reports that Muller says the company will announce whether it will enter the Swedish stock market at its annual shareholder meeting on May 19. You're probably wondering why a company would discuss going public at a shareholder meeting. The short answer is that Saab is already present and accounted for on the Amsterdam Euronext. And even with very lean sales totals for 2010 while the company struggled to restart production and reinvigorate its supplier chain, the stock is Amsterdam's third highest gainer of 2010, with reported gains of 63 percent.

While Muller and company are considering whether to enter the Swedish stock market, the reborn automaker claims to have no intention of diluting shares to raise additional funds. Instead, Saab is considering opening up to both stock markets simultaneously with the potential to switch to only the Swedish market for future investment purposes. Muller says the company doesn't "foresee any share issue at this time, but who knows, maybe in many years it becomes a vehicle for future funding."

[Source: Bloomberg]

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