Busy Mommy Media tests Nissan Leaf [w/video]

Nissan Leaf cargo capacity test – Click above to watch video after the jump

It's not like the Nissan Leaf hasn't had its fair share of road tests and reviews. Back in July, we rung out Nissan's electric hatch and, shortly after that, the crew at Plug In Cars tested its total range. In fact, now that the car is being delivered, there's a whole slew of Leaf reviews floating around on the Internet, but how many of those focus almost entirely on the vehicle's "family friendliness?" Well, we know of at least one that does.

Recently, the two-person team over at Busy Mommy Media put the Leaf through a battery of "family car" tests. The reviewers shoved three car seats in the hatchback's rear, they filled the vehicle's boot with strollers and packed five people inside its interior to assess how Nissan's electric auto would tackle typical "family car" tasks. How did it do? Hop the jump to watch the Busy Mommy Media crew attempt to overload the Leaf with car seats, strollers and kids.

[Source: Busy Mommy Media]

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