Captain Slow No More: Top Gear's James May hits 259.11 mph in Bugatti Veyron SS

Last week, we told you that the Top Gear crew was smirking about having some sort of involvement in the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport's land speed record. And while it was easy for us to chalk it up as simple Top Gear embellishment (they did take credit for the erupting Icelandic volcano, remember), it appears that the TG team – James May, specifically – had a pretty big part in all of this record-setting madness. Apparently he wasn't the 267.81-mph record-setting driver, but Captain Slow did manage to pilot the new Veyron Super Sport up to an extremely respectable 259.11 mph, and the high-speed tale is recounted in the magazine's August issue, which should be hitting newsstands as you read this.

This isn't May's first experience with the Veyron, of course. We all remember that the Captain did a similar test run in the standard-spec Bug, hitting 253 mph out on Volkswagen's Ehra-Lessien high-speed oval. (We have the video available after the jump for those of you who want to re-live the experience.) Now, the one question that remains – is the Super Sport fast enough to finally reconcile that lost race between Hammond and the jet fighter? Hot tips, PS3 and Brandon!

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[Source: Top Gear]

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