Video: Clarkson demonstrates why there aren't more three-wheeled cars

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The long wait is finally over and Top Gear is back for its 15th series of the modern era. We won't spoil all of the fun for those who haven't seen it, but we can say that the premiere was... highly educational. We got a look at the first flex-fuel Bentley and received further confirmation that James May was likely the cause of the Icelandic volcano eruption that shut down European air space for nearly two weeks.

We also saw the new reasonably priced car, a brown Kia Cee'd, get broken in by some British C-listers before the real celebrities start in on it next week.

By far, though, the highlight of the program was the physics lesson from Jeremy Clarkson that demonstrates why there aren't more three-wheeled vehicles in the world. Clarkson set out on a treacherous 14-mile journey in a Reliant Robin to learn whether it's worthwhile to save money on the vehicle registration tax with a three-wheeled conveyance. You'll have to watch for yourself to learn the answer to that question, and since you are undoubtedly a resourceful bunch, we're sure you know where to find the full episode if you don't happen to live in the UK. But if you don't, make the jump for the segment.

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