Video: Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG E-Cell in motion (and German)


We got our first look at the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG E-Cell prototype yesterday and now we can see it in motion. The German magazine Bild has a video of their first drive in the electric supercar. Unfortunately, our conversational German isn't up to snuff, so it's hard to decipher the commentary and driving impressions. However, we do get a good look under the hood, where the 6.2-liter V8 has been replaced by a several cubic feet of electronics, motors and high-voltage cabling. Inside, we get a glimpse of the new instrument cluster, including a display that can toggle between the battery's state of charge and power flow or the navigation information.

If and when Mercedes-Benz let's us have a crack at the prototype, sunglasses will be a necessity. Check out the retina-searing video after the jump.

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[Source: Youtube]

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