Solar panels wrapped round the moon could power the world, EVs and all

What if you took the solar panel idea and applied it on a scale of epic proportions? Just imagine wrapping the entire 6,800-mile circumference of the moon with solar panels to harness the sun's power and then beamed all that collected energy back to Earth via microwave or laser technology to power the world. Sounds far-fetched, doesn't it? Sure, but the Shimizu Corporation, a Japanese construction firm, still hopes to one day make this dreamy idea a reality.

The Luna Ring, as Shimuzu calls it, is a large band of solar panels wrapping the Moon's equator. At 6,800 miles in length and 248 miles in width, the company believes that the Luna Ring could one day power the entire world. While we don't doubt the claims, a build of this size in outer space would undoubtedly be the most ambitious project ever tackled – in or outside of Earth's confines. Shimuzu envisions robots carrying out the majority of the labor-intensive work, such as ground leveling, while astronauts handle more intricate tasks. The robots would be teleoperated from Earth via remote control and antennas more than 12 miles in diameter would beam energy back to Earth... hold on. Let's stop right there. The Luna Ring is nothing short of amazing, but the complexity and astronomical cost make it too far-fetched to ever become a reality in our lifetime. Maybe that's why Shimuzu simply calls the Luna Ring "its dream." Tip of the hat to Larzen!

[Source: PhysOrg | Image: Shimuzu Corporation]

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