Video: Ralph Gilles talks Dodge Viper, considering track-only model

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At a recent event at Gingerman Raceway in western Michigan, Dodge brand CEO Ralph Gilles took some time to discuss the Viper as it heads off into retirement in its current form. Unfortunately, for those hoping for clues to the future of the V10 sports car, Gilles said almost nothing of consequence. He did acknowledge that demand for the 2010s has been surprisingly robust, particularly the limited edition ACR-X. As a result, Dodge is considering building an additional batch of the track-only models. Gilles has high hopes for the Viper spec racing series that begins next month, since this will be one of the first chances for Vipers to be running unrestricted in competition.

Many of the 2010 models are being special-ordered by customers with unique finishes and interiors, and according to Gilles, all of this data is being factored into decisions about the future of the brand. He gives no other hints about the car or when (if ever) it might appear. Check out everything Gilles has to say after the jump.

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[Source: Chrysler]

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