Video: Geely Panda gets to stuntin'

Geely Panda strutting its stuff – Click above to watch video after the jump

We hate to say this, but until now, we didn't realize it was physically possible to do a stoppie in a subcompact car. We thought launching a vehicle onto its front rollers was generally left to the two-wheeled crowd, but a new video of the Geely Panda has officially proven otherwise. The company has let loose a video of a fleet of the tiny cutesy hatchbacks being flogged in the best way possible. Want to see a Panda do donuts in reverse? No problem. How about cruise along on two wheels? You got it.

We have no idea what the text in between the shots of the cars suffering the kind of abuse that only stunt drivers can inflict and video of the assembly line says, but that's okay. We understand the cute-as-a-button Panda paw print, and, as you all know, hooning is a universal language. Besides, it makes us think of the old Isuzu I-Mark and various Saab stunt team exhibitions, and that can't be all bad. Hop the jump to see the mad skills for yourself. Thanks for the tip, JPHyundai!

[Source: Geely via YouTube]

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