USF1, Take Two: Cypher Group among applicants for 2011 Formula One championship


USF1 may have come and gone with little more than a whimper, but don't count these United States as gone from the F1 grid for good. At least not just yet. Because another company – at the risk of mixing sports clichés – has picked up the ball and intends to run with it all the way.

Cypher Group is the name of the team, which has announced its formation and intentions but has yet to register a formal application with the FIA. The new outfit insists that it will only go through with it if they can secure the necessary funding to make it viable. Like USF1, Cypher intends to base its operations out of North Carolina and employ many of the staff left twisting in the wind when USF1 shut down. Notably absent, however, are Ken Anderson and Peter Windsor, the pair that spearheaded the preceding operation whose demise left us all disappointed and a slot open on the grid for next season.

Word has it that Ken Anderson, for his part, is trying for it again, rebranding the remains of USF1 as Anderson F1. Several other teams are stepping up with potential bids to join the roster for 2011, including previously rejected applicants Epsilon Euskadi, Durango and Stefan GP. Perhaps most intriguing, however, is the entry from ART Grand Prix, the GP2 team run by Nicolas Todt, son of the FIA president, who also manages Ferrari drivers Felipe Massa and Jules Bianchi.

[Source: ESPN]

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