Yugos: Awful cars, serviceable art

The Yugofone and other interesting creations – Click above for image gallery

Remember Jason Vuic's book about the rise and fall of Yugo? Apparently, the inspiration for it came from the fact that an artist was able to buy 39 Yugos for $92 each. Those Yugos were given to students at The School of Visual Arts in New York and they were told to make something useful out of them.

And that's how you get the Yugo accordion from the book, the Yogofone (pictured above), and a Yugo grand piano with a plate reading "89 KEYS." This Yugobilia was displayed in New York's Grand Central Station and on a U.S. tour - probably the best things to happen to any Yugo anywhere. Ever.

BMW probably doesn't need to be worried about its art car franchise just yet, but the Bavarians might take some notes, just to be safe. Check out a few of the pieces in the gallery below, or click the link to check out another two dozen works of Yugo art.

[Source: Motobullet]

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