Forget Waldo, BBC Books coming out with Where's Stig? for kids

Wasted time. All the wasted time we spent as children looking for that ridiculous, bespectacled, striped goon when we could have been seeking out the world's most enigmatic racing driver. As with so many other things, however, future generations need suffer no more thanks to illustrator Rod Hunt and the merchandising-obsessed limeys at the BBC, who have teamed up on this new project.
Where's Stig? features jam-packed, cartoonish recreations of famous scenes from the hit television show Top Gear, with the mysterious driver in white hidden somewhere on each page. Just like Where's Waldo?, only with more Top Gear-iness. The publication goes on sale from BBC Books as of September 17. Follow the link to the illustrator's website to check it out. Thanks for the tip, Jared!

[Source: Rod Hunt via Design You Trust]

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