VIDEO: Explaining the "New GM" to America in commercial form

GM explains "New GM" in new commercial – Click above to watch video after the jump

There are lots of places you can find official information about what's happening to General Motors right now. In addition to, GM has also launched a new website called re:invention. Already stocked with announcements and explanations regarding the company's filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this morning, the website also features a handy, dandy commercial that boils down the essentials to bite-sized, bumper sticker slogans.

The minute-long commercial, which can be viewed after the jump, admits right off the bat that "No company wants to go through this," and goes on to frame the situation like this: "GM needs to start over in order to get stronger." Amidst a siezure-inducing barrage of scenes from Americana, the narrator explains in a nutshell that the old way wasn't working and the new way will be "Leaner, Greener, Faster, Smarter."

Follow the jump to view the video for yourself and let us know if it gets the right message across about "New GM".

[Source: re:invention]


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