While everything else is shrinking, US moves to #1 spot in wind power

vaxomatic via flickr.com on a Creative Commons license

For the vast majority of businesses in the United States and elsewhere, 2008 was an annus horribilis. However, one sector did OK in spite of their continued inability to harness all of the hot air coming out of the halls of Congress. In 2008, the US became the world's largest generator of electricity from wind. This was the third consecutive year of record growth for the the wind industry which has now topped 21,000 MW of capacity. That's enough juice for 5.5 million homes. Wind power is on track to supply 20 percent of the country's electricity by 2030. While treking halfway across the country last October, I saw quite a few wind turbines in farm fields, but there is certainly plenty of room for growth in 2009 and beyond.

[Source: CleanTechnica via EcoGeek]

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