Hurricane Ike aftermath causes $5 gas in some areas

Photo by CoreBurn. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0.

Hurricane Ike has done its structural damage to Texas and other areas, but the aftereffects are still raging. While gasoline prices these last few months in the U.S. have not been climbing as crazily as they were earlier this year, the South's most recent hurricane is causing pump prices of up to $5 a gallon in some areas - from Florida to Tennessee. In Knoxville, TN, for example, prices jumped from $3.66 to $4.99 overnight thanks to fears of a supply shortage and news that oil rigs are drifting in the Gulf of Mexico. While it's unlikely that prices will remain this high for long, Ike and other hurricanes this season remind drivers of fuel-efficient vehicles why their cars are a little piece of security in tough times. If you've got a low-mpg ride in an area with $5 gas today, perhaps it's a good time to dust off that bike for the ride to work.

[Source: AP]

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