Production Chevy Volt photos leak out!

Just days after we got a hint of what the production 2011 Chevrolet Volt would look like from some folks who spotted one during filming of Transformers 2, we now have official photos of the actual car. Someone apparently leaked out a series of studio shots of Volt with some of the executives leading development of the car. Vehicle Line Executive Tony Posawatz, Chief Engineers Frank Weber and Andrew Farah, Design lead Bob Boniface and of course Maximum Bob Lutz are caught posing with GM's new star. The car is expected to officially debut next Tuesday during GM's centennial celebrations at the Renaissance Center. The basic shape we saw on the movie car appears to be the same but it varies in some details. The shoulder area at the bottom of the side windows is blacked out to replicate some of the look of the original concept. Given that the Volt shares its basic platform with the new Chevy Cruze, it's no surprise that it appears to be about the same size. So far we haven't been able to reach GM for a comment but hopefully we'll have higher res images soon.

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[Source: The Car Connection]

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