Latest ploy to get people to leave the car at home: free showers

For those people who would like to walk, run or cycle themselves to work while leaving the car sitting quietly in the garage, the Holiday Inn in Sutton, South London, has something you may be interested in: free showers. Now, there's no longer any worry that you'll be too hot and sweaty to do your job, or so they hope. Obviously, this scheme won't be of any help to those who don't live in the area, and it's being made available only to those people who are employed by a member of the Sutton Town Centre Business Travel Network. A business card will be required as proof of such employment. This new ploy was devised by Smarter Travel Sutton along with the Transport for London. We can't see this scheme helping all that much, but at least it should prove useful to a few people. Fortunately, we wouldn't imagine that it's eating up too much of the £5 million budget the team has to work with.
[Source: What Car?]

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