Put a Porsche in your driveway, well sort of...


If you want to see how that new Porsche is going to look in your driveway (or you just need to impress the women who frequent your favorite online dating service), our friends in Stuttgart have given us all the tools we'll need. Well, in a sense at least. Point your favorite browser here, and click on the "picture it" link on the bottom. Upload your favorite driveway shot, and then you can put either the Cayman, Boxster, 911 Coupe, or Cayenne on your own personal pavement. Once done, you can save it as a JPEG (we had to add the file extension afterwards) to share with your friends. While Porsche is kind enough to put a sports car or SUV in your driveway without charge, they won't be sending you the keys. For that, you'll still need some serious coin.

[Source: Porsche]

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