IndyCars expected to switch to down-sized turbocharged engines

The IndyCar series is due to adopt new engine rules soon and it looks like they will follow the lead of many manufacturers toward downsized and turbocharged engines. The open-wheeled racers that run at the Indianapolis 500 and many other tracks currently use a normally aspirated 3.0L V8 running on straight ethanol. A new engine formula is expected to go into effect for the 2011 season with a switch to turbo engines with either four or six cylinders.

At meeting in June to discuss the new rules, several manufacturers that were considering supplying engines expressed support for the idea, but a final specification hasn't been settled yet. According to IRL president Brian Barnhart, twelve manufacturers sent representatives to the June meeting and he expects as many as three to four to commit to the series including Honda. Honda is currently the only supplier of engines in the series. The new rules are expected to be finalized by December which would give manufacturers two years to develop and build engines.

[Source: Indianapolis Star]

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