VIDEO: ZAP Xebra hacked!!!

Kids today. Give them a new toy and before the sun goes down it's been taken apart, hacked, and maybe even improved. Jeff isn't exactly a kid and he picked up this toy some time last January but a Xebra isn't exactly an Playstation so it took a little time. The point is he wasn't totally satisfied with his ride and took it upon himself to bust out the power tools and make some changes. He also made an entertaining and somewhat instructional video of his Xebra hacking adventure which is definitely worth 7 minutes and 51 seconds of your time.

The finished product is faster, goes farther and is definitely better looking. Before the mods, his 3-wheeled truckette had white paint and a top speed of about 38 mph (in the presence of a strong tailwind) and lost lots of speed going up hills. After upgrading the wiring, adding a battery and increasing the voltage, it can go 45 mph and stay strong on the hills. The range seems improved as well. From the picture above you can see some of the cosmetic changes; black paint, l.e.d. lights, 2 inch drop and the bed is long gone. That's all the hacking this little ZAP Xebra is going to get for now. The plan for the future is just to see how many miles he can add to the existing 4,400. Check out all the all the madcap mayhem after the jump.

[Source: YouTube]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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