Introducing the World's Smallest solar-powered car

Click above for a few more shots of the World's Smallest solar racer

These days, one of the most-heard complaints about cars in the United States is that they are too large. Each new generation, for some reason, needs to somehow one-up its predecessor by adding a few inches of girth in every direction. Today we find a new car which bucks this trend, and it's solar-powered to boot. While it's not likely to make much of a difference on our nation's roadways, it's still really cool and worth sharing. Measuring just 33×22x14 millimeters and fitted with a tiny solar panel at the top, this pint-sized solar racer is capable of running on light from the sun or even from a bright lamp indoors. Want one? It's available in the U.K. for just £11.99, which equates to about $22 in the States. Thanks for the tip, Shrawan!

[Source: Inhabitat via IndianAutosBlog]

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