Man buys truck with change, LOTS of change

I once bought an ice cream cone with two fistfuls of pennies. It did not make me popular on that busy summer's day many years ago, but I got my sugar cone with a scoop of Black Raspberry. A 70-year-old Ohio man recently bellied up to the bar at his local Chevrolet dealer and allowed them to count $8,000 worth of coins as a down payment for a new Silverado. James Jones was badly injured by his last truck, a 1981 Chevy that ran him over when the parking brake failed, so it was time to put the old girl out to pasture. After the dealership spent an hour and a half counting through the various coinage in the 16 coffee cans that Jones presented, he got his truck. The full price of the truck was closer to $16,000, so whichever company is financing the truck should go out and buy a coin counter right now. You see, Jones explains that he just doesn't like banks, and wisely realizes that paper money will burn, so he kept his savings in coins all this time. When he says he bought his truck for pennies, he really means it. Thanks for the tips, everyone!
[Source:, Photo by Darren Hester | Creative Commons]

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